Are You Doing All "The Things"—Eating Healthy and Working Out But Can't Lose Weight?

July 17, 2024

Are You Doing All "The Things"—Eating Healthy and Working Out But Can't Lose Weight?

Ever find yourself frustrated despite doing all the right things—eating healthy, working out regularly, and still not seeing the weight loss results you desire? You're not alone. As a holistic nutritionist and movement teacher, I often work with clients who feel stuck despite their best efforts. Let’s dive into why this happens and what you can do about it.

1. The Role of Stress and Cortisol:

High stress levels can lead to elevated cortisol, a hormone that promotes fat storage, especially around the midsection. Even if your diet and exercise are on point, chronic stress can hinder weight loss.

I can talk forever about the negative effects of stress on your health and on your weight but for now here is some simple steps:

Solution: Incorporate stress-reducing practices like yoga, meditation, or simple breathing exercises into your daily routine.

Delegate and change your perspective.

Start a gratitude journal and don't shy from asking for help and support.

2. Hidden Inflammation:

Inflammation, often stemming from food sensitivities, poor gut health, or environmental toxins, can disrupt your metabolism and make weight loss difficult.

Solution: Identify and eliminate inflammatory foods, and focus on a diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods like leafy greens, berries, and healthy fats. Support your gut health with probiotics and fiber.

Address things like leaky gut and IBS, eliminate food sensitivities

Make sure you have regular bowl movement, constipation means more toxins are reabsorbed which will stress your liver and contribute to inflammation

3. Liver Health:

Your liver plays a crucial role in metabolizing fats. If your liver is overburdened with toxins or fatty deposits, it can struggle to process fats efficiently, making weight loss harder.

Additionally if you have a high toxic load in your body because of over burdened liver, your body will hold on to fats because fat cells work to store toxins, so your body is trying to protect you by holding tight to fat cells to avoid these toxins being released into your blood stream.

Solution: Support your liver with detoxifying foods such as cruciferous vegetables, lemon water, and herbs like milk thistle. Regular physical activity and staying hydrated also help. I work specifically with liver and gut health. Supporting digestion and elimination pathways are also crucial if you want a healthy liver

4. Hormonal Imbalances:

Hormones like insulin, thyroid hormones, and sex hormones (like estrogen and testosterone) significantly influence your weight. Imbalances in these hormones can sabotage your weight loss efforts. Unfortunately our current environment has lots of hormones disrupters which specially effects women in their 30't and 40's.

Solution: Consult with a healthcare provider to check for hormonal imbalances. Adopting a balanced diet, getting adequate sleep, and managing stress can help regulate hormones. Working with a professionals like myself can help you manage and balance hormones.

5. Quality of Sleep:

I see this a lot in busy high achieving individuals, thinking sleep is a "waste of time" who has time to nap when you have a long to do list? but the reality is your body is active while you are asleep to keep you healthy and safe, this is when cell regeneration happens, your liver is most active between 1-3 am to complete detoxification and rid you of all the stress hormones

Poor sleep can negatively impact your metabolism and increase cravings for unhealthy foods, making it harder to lose weight.

Solution: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night. Create a bedtime routine that includes winding down, limiting screen time, and creating a comfortable sleep environment. Sleep hygiene is one of the early things we implement with my clients specially those with high stress and anxiety

6. Personalized Nutrition and Fitness:

Not all diets and workouts are created equal. What works for one person might not work for another due to genetic differences, lifestyle, and individual health conditions.

I see a lot of clients who think they are eating healthy, and on the surface it looks like it, but one man's health food is another man's poison, the healthy diet and healthy food for you is the food that is suitable for your unique digestion, and is suitable for the current phase of life you are in. Yes principles of healthy eating are the same but personalization is key here, what was healthy for you in your 20's may not be the same in your late 30's or 40's and the same applies for workout.

Solution: Consider working with a professional who can tailor a nutrition and fitness plan specifically for you. Personalized approaches are often the most effective.

Empower Yourself:

Weight loss is complex and multifaceted. It's not just about calories in versus calories out. It's about understanding your body's unique needs and addressing underlying issues that might be holding you back.

If you're feeling frustrated and need guidance, I’m here to help. Together, we can uncover the root causes of your weight loss challenges and create a holistic plan that works for you.

💪 Ready to take the next step? Book a consultation call today and transform your health journey!

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