Best diet to reverse fatty liver, metabolic syndrome and weight loss + how to stick to it!

January 10, 2024

The burning question on everyone's mind when trying lose weight or simply be healthier to be is "what is the best diet to follow?". This concern is heightened when faced with the diagnosis of fatty liver, hormonal imbalances, cardiovascular diseases (CVD), and type 2 diabetes, chronic fatigue/ exhaustion or any of our modern lifestyle disease which are increasingly prevalent and can be managed, reversed, or prevented through dietary changes and adopting a healthy, active lifestyle.

The Answer? Drumroll please: 2023 best winning diest, the Mediterranean wins the crown again, followed closely by the DASH diet.

Rooted in the traditional dietary habits of those living in the Mediterranean region, the Mediterranean diet is one of the most studied due to it numerous health benefits, how adaptable it is, and it is quite easy to follow.

But wait a second, does this mean I can indulge in pizza, wine and cheese? isn't this what Italy and France are famous for? Hold on, a quick reality check here. Following a Mediterranean diet for general health differs from adopting it to manage or reverse an existing health condition. While indulging in your favourite pizza may seem like a distant dream initially, my clients at the Liver Revive Method and myself included are finding themselves enjoying such treats occasionally without jeopardizing their health. So YES that is possible for you too, but if you are working towards over-coming any of the above conditions it might take some time to reach this stage.

What's often missing and my insight:

While many can easily find lists of foods to include and avoid on a Mediterranean diet with a simple Google search, here are some often-overlooked tips that can make a significant difference:

  1. Herbs and Spices: The Mediterranean diet emphasizes fresh herbs, spices. Bitter herbs in particular (rosemary, dandelion) are beneficial for those looking to improve their liver health and those following a low sodium diet. I find that using herbs in this way means we don't really need to use salt.
  2. Fresh and In Season: Eating fresh and in season is integral to this diet. Consideration of agricultural practices and food industry differences, especially for those in North America, is crucial due to potential contamination and additive risks. Let's face it our foods are highly sprayed, glyphosate makes it really hard on our gut bacteria and causes havocs to our health, plus if you live in Vancouver, Canada like myself, most of produce are imported anyways and your produce loses nutritional value in this process which we need to take in consideration. Not to mention there are over 200 food additives banned in many Mediterranean countries which are used in the USA and Canada.
  3. Connection and Lifestyle: Viewing food as more than just fuel is vital. The Mediterranean diet emphasizes the social aspect of eating, considering it a family affair and an expression of love. Eating on the run or mindlessly can diminish the benefits. We are always on the go, overworked and overwhelmed. I can not stress enough the importance of slowing down and sitting to eat, focusing on your food, chewing slowly and intentionally, instead of eating while working in front of a screen or on the run.
  4. Adaptation: When shifting to any new diet, especially if this is to balance blood sugar, hormones or improve your metabolism or health concerns in general, be sure to adapt it to your own needs and your unique digestive blue print.
  5. Lifestyle: An active lifestyle is an integral part of your "diet'. Be it dancing, yoga or walking, choose some activity you enjoy and stick to it.
  6. Simplicity is key: I find most Mediterranean dishes simple and easy to follow! Lots of veggies, lots of herbs, one type of protein and one type of grain.

Total side note here: did you ever notice if you have been to Italy for example, there are many cafes in the streets and I noticed people sit to drink their short espresso and enjoy it, while here in Vancouver for example , unless you are working from the cafe most likely you are picking up your large latte with a side snack and eating on your way to your destination? How you consume is also a key part of the Mediterranean diet!

Mediterranean diet 101:

Looking to do some changes to your diet and shift to Mediterranean lifestyle? In addition to the above mentioned principles here are what to eat and what to avoid to get you on the right track

Foods that are regularly consumed include:

  • Fruits and vegetables, mostly fresh and in season.
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Legumes
  • Whole grains
  • Fish and seafood
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Herbs and spices

Red meat, poultry, fermented dairy, cheese and butter are used in moderation.

Coffee and tea are regularly consumed as well but without the added cream and sugar, water is the drink of choice and yes of course wine usually a glass a day with dinner! 

Ditch the wine completely if you have any issues with your liver, your heart or if you are trying to lose weight. For the record: No there are no safe levels of alcohol, including wine.

What to say goodbye too on a Mediterranean diet:

Mainly unhealthy, highly processed food, added sugar, hydrogenated fats and food "look a like" aka meal replacement bars

  • High sugar desserts
  • Processed meats
  • Sauces and gravies
  • Sugar-sweetened beverages or fruit juices
  • Refined grains and oils (including hydrogenated oils)
  • Too much salt
  • Added sugars

A Taste of the Mediterranean: Recipe Inspiration

Now for the moment you've been waiting for: here's a simple dinner recipe inspired by the winning Mediterranean diet:

Roasted winer vegetables with tahini dressing

In conclusion, the journey to a healthier lifestyle, especially when dealing with a lifestyle condition or poor functioning / fatty liver, involves more than just following a recipe book. Understanding the nuances, adapting to individual needs, and embracing the cultural and social aspects of food are key elements on the road to success. So savour the flavours, prioritize your health, and let the Mediterranean diet guide you toward a revitalized life.

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