Fall harvest your liver will love and why

November 26, 2023

I love this season! The nature, the colors, the falling leaves

It's also a time for change and as hard as change is, it's also beautiful and essential for growth.

Your liver also loves the fall.

Root vegetables which are traditionally harvested in the fall before the world turns around and most things being available at grocery stores year round.

Side note: just because ist available at the store doesn't mean we should eat it! I strongly recommend eating in season but more on that later !

Back to my fall harvest, let's look at the top 5 fall food that's essential for liver health:

  1. Pumpkin

Nothing says fall more than pumpkins! And that's good news my friends!

Pumpkins are high in pectin, beta carotin which is linked to reduce risk of liver disease and liver damage. It's full of antioxidants to help cleanse liver cells, high in many vitamins and minerals including vitamin K, B vitamins which are needed for phase one liver detoxification and Zinc.

Pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seed oil are also healthy for your liver but more on that later.

  1. Butternut squash

Similar to pumpkins, high in beta carotene and is around 80% water, one serving has 100% of your daily needs of vitamin A and around 40% of your daily vitamin C needs, high in magnesium, potassium, High in B-cryptoxanthin which is linked to potentially preventing progress of NAFLD. Its high fiber contents means it help with digestion and elimination reducing the workload on your liver

My favorite way to eat this is baked with fresh rosemary and garlic and a drizzle of olive oil.

  1. Beets

Beets are now available year round but having fresh beets in season is unbeatable, beets are a superfood for cleansing the liver and blood to get rid of toxins they are antiinflammatory antioxidant, it supports liver enzymes and reducing the risk of liver damage, and the liver’s natural ability to regenerate,  it's also a super food for heart health, it should be mandatory for everyone to consume.

  1. Cranberries

If you have been in my world for a while you know, I only tasted fresh cranberries this season and I couldn't believe how bitter they are!! It's  no surprise they are amazing for your liver as we all know the liver loves bitters.

Not only is it loaded with vitamin C which we all need these days, but recent study conducted on patients with NAFLD showed cranberry supplementation had a positive effects on some lipids profile, insulin resistance and hepatic steatosis in NAFLD patients (find the study here)

Other than traditional cranberry sauce, you can also use it in baking and I shared my recipe for cranberry crumble on Instagramlast week.

It's really important to find ways to use it without the sugar overload, I also made an amazing muffin using it, will share that recipe with all you soon

  1. Apples

Apples are again one of those fruits thats now available year round but its so important for the liver I had to include it here, I mean it is a fall crop after all.

Apples are high in fiber, pectin, antioxidants and polyphenols, it aids digestion and allows the body to get rid of toxins which again makes the liver’s job much easier. In another study, it also showed dietary supplementations of apple  polyphenols could potentially decrease fat deposition in the liver tissues, improve lipid profile and antioxidants capacities. (Read the full study here).

Enjoy this wonderful season with all that it has to offer!

Hit reply and share with me your  favourite recipes using any of the above fruits or veggie


Sherien Hossny

The Liver Revive Method  

© 2024 Sherien Hossny. All right reserved.