How to thrive this holiday season

December 25, 2023

I don't know about you but I am already counting days for the holiday, it feels like this is almost the busiest time of the year.

Rushing to finish deadlines at work, kids will be off school soon and you need to finalize christmas plans, shopping and wrapping gifts or worse planning a trip with all what this involves!

Don’t get me wrong, these are all fun stuff and I love traveling. It's the preparation and rush leading up to it that can cause extra stress on your Liver that you don’t need.

Let alone family gatherings which is amazing of course but let’s face it they can be exhausting and stressful,

It's very important to prioritize your health self care, especially if you are already dealing with health issues, hormonal imbalances, insulin resistance or fatty liver. 

Holiday stress can easily cause your symptoms to flare up and nobody wants that.

Managing stress is crucial, high cortisol levels and stress hormones means your liver can work overtime to synthesize and metabolize these hormones which means it may not process fat properly or be able to access glycogen reserve and start accumulating triglyceride or fat on the liver.


Here are some steps to take to reduce stress:

  1. The most important and hardest is not taking too much on! I know ..I know right?

Well it starts by you taking a deep breath and deciding not to take too much on!

  1. Look at your to-do list and think how can you cut it in half? And here is how 
  • Look at each item, how important is it? 
  • How urgent?
  • Can you delegate?
  • If you are hosting dinner, what can you get ready and make this easier on yourself 
  • Ask for help!
  1. Make sure you are prioritizing your rest, when you get enough sleep and enough rest you are more likely to have more energy to finish the tasks you have faster.
  2. Take time to breath, just 3 minutes or taking a deep breath in the middle of the day can activate your vagus nerve and help managing stress
  3.  Add B complex vitamin to your supplements routine, B vitamins help your liver methylation process, it helps with energy and its harder to get it at this time of the year, I like Thorne Stress B
  4. Consider adding Rhodiola or Ashwagandha supplements to help with stress, I specifically like

 Living alchemy  It can help reduce the effect of stress at this time of the year 


Supporting your digestion and gut health 

  1. Avoid relaxing with a glass of wine at the end of the day, be mindful with your alcohol intake during this season and limit your drinks to celebration time.
  2. Ensure you are having an adequate amount of protein at each meal so you don't end up craving carbs and sugar.
  3. If you know you have trouble with digestion, stock on digestive enzymes before the holidays and Remember to take them.
  4. CHEW your food. Sit DOWN to eat and avoid eating in a rush, digestion starts in your mouth, it's so easy to skip this but it is so important to make it easier on your stomach and your liver.

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Sherien H 

Are you ready to give yourself the gift of health this new year and get real support from an expert who has been there? Book a call with me today to learn how can I help you make 2024 the year you gain your confidence and health back 

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