What to do with all these candies? Tips & my healthy treats file

November 26, 2023

Happy halloween everyone

For me the spookiest scariest part about halloween……

You guessed it! Its the amount of sugar and candies!

But I get it, its fun, I enjoy dressing up and getting fun costumes for my kiddo too!

The thing is we have halloween, thanksgiving, Christmas and you may be thinking how can I stay on track with all these temptations?

Let's start with Halloween. What can you do to stay on track?

  1. Mindset:

Have fun, enjoy it! dress up and don't stress about it, being stressed makes you crave sugar more and that's the last thing we need, so start with this in mind:

No matter what happens, it's one day, It's not a big deal.

     2. Prepare:

How do you prepare? Glad you asked! Prepare by making sure you have healthy meals that day, start with a high protein breakfast, and make sure you are full before you start trick or treating or before you start the neighbourhood halloween celebration, you are more likely to make right decision when you are full

Another thing is to hydrate, have your bottle of water with you, and before you try that new candy, have a sip of water

      3. Decide

pick 1-3 candies that you wanna try, maybe you have a favorite? Or maybe there is a new one go ahead eat it and don't feel guilty about it.

      4.Get rid of extra temptation

Once you get home, get rid of any extra candy, put it in a bag and get rid of it, if you have a child you still want to protect him from the extra sugar, get him to choose what he wants to keep or try and get rid of the rest

   5. Click here for my all time favorite healthier halloween treats

Hit reply and tell me: What is your favorite candy?


Sherien Hossny

The Liver Revive Method

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